Stone Wyvern

MagicUser - SpellDetail

Evard’s Black Tentacles
V, S, M
Casting Time:
8 segments
1 round/level
Saving Throw:
Area of Effect:
30 sq. ft. per level of caster
By means of this spell the caster creates many rubbery, black tentacles in the area of effect of the dweomer. These waving members seem to spring forth from the earth, floor, or whatever surface is underfoot — including water. Each tentacle is 10’ long, AC 4, and takes as many points of damage to destroy as the magic-user who cast the spell has levels of experience. Furthermore, there will be one such tentacle for each of the levels of experience of the spell caster. Any creature within range of the writhing tentacles is subject to attack. If more than one target is within range of a tentacle, the probability of attack on each is deter- mined and the result found by die roll. A victim of a tentacle attack must make a saving throw versus spell. If this succeeds, the victim takes 1-4 hit points of damage from initial contact with the tentacle, and it then is destroyed. Failure to save indicates that the damage inflicted will be 2-8 points, the ebon member is wrapped around its victim, and damage will be 3-12 points on the second and succeeding rounds. Since these tentacles have no intelligence to guide them, there is the possibility that they will entwine any object — a tree, post, pillar — or continue to squeeze a dead opponent. Once grasped, a tentacle remains wrapped around its chosen target until the tentacle is destroyed by some form of attack or it disap- pears due to the expiration of the dweomer’s duration. The component for this spell is a piece of tentacle from a giant octopus or giant squid.