Stone Wyvern

Illusionist - SpellDetail

Mirage Arcane
(Illusion/Phantasm - Alteration)
V, S (M
1 “/level
Casting Time:
3 or 6 segments
Saving Throw:
Area of Effect:
1” per level radius
The dweomer of this spell is similar to that of the vacancy spell, only it is more powerful and elaborate. Mirage arcane is also similar to the mirage cantrip. The spell enables the caster to make an area appear to be something other than it is. The illusionist is able to make it appear as whatever he or she envisions. The spell will remain as long as the caster maintains a faint concentration upon it, and even after this is no longer held the spell will persist for a total of 6 turns plus 1 additional turn for each experience level of the caster. (Note: Faint con- centration can be maintained during normal conversation but not while spell casting, in melee, or if harmed by an attack.) In all cases the mirage arcane must be of some place the illusionist has actually seen personally. If he or she actually has a small bit of anything connected with the place envisioned to create this spell, then it takes on a form of reality. In its basic form, where casting time is but 3 segments, forceful contact and tactile discovery are necessary to have any hope of discovering the magic, short of a detection device or spell. In its more complex form, where a mate- rial component is used, and 6 segments of casting time are expended, detection is possible only by some magical means, whether device, item, or spell. Either form of mirage arcane is subject to dispel illusion or dispel magic. As with all powerful illusions, the mind of the beholder will cause appropriate effects upon the viewer’s body. Conversely, belief cannot usually affect the laws of nature and magic. However, under the influence of this spell, the viewer could possibly walk across a bed of hot coals thinking it was a shallow stream of water which was cooling his feet (and taking no damage), dine upon imaginary food and actually be nutrition- ally satisfied, or rest comfortably upon a bed of sharp stones, thinking it to be a featherbed. Gravity, for instance, is not affected by the dweomer, so that an envisioned bridge spanning a deep chasm will not support the believer. Those who may be there to witness the event will see it as a sudden disappearance of the individual. They will in no way connect it with an illusion unless they are otherwise aware of some magic at work.