Stone Wyvern

Druid - SpellDetail

V, S, M
Casting Time:
1 hour
Saving Throw:
Area of Effect:
One creature, item, or area
The druidic ceremony spell is similar to the cleri- cal spell of the same name. It has a number of applications within the hierarchy of druids. The effect of a ceremony spell does not leave behind an aura of magic, although a know alignment spell or similar magic might reveal the force of true neutrality involved in the magic. Druidic ceremonies include the following, which can be cast by a druid of the indicated or lower level: 1st-level di coming of age, rest eternal, marriage 3rd-level druid: dedication, investiture 7th-level di initiation, special vows 9th-level di hallowed ground 12th-level druid: cast out The characteristics of the various types of druidic ceremony spells are as follows: Coming of age is performed upon young people in druidic societies, usu- ally when they reach the age of 14, and is symbolic of the young man’s or young woman’s entrance into adulthood. Effects of the spell are the same as for the clerical version (+1 bonus to a single saving throw); see the cleric text for other details. Rest eternal is cast upon the body of a deceased being, by means of which the soul/spirit of the creature is hastened in its journey to its final resting place. The spells raise dead and resurrection will not restore life to a character who has been the object of this spell, although a wish spell would serve that purpose. Marriage is essentially identical to the clerical ceremony of the same name. Dedication allows the recipient of the spell to be taken into the ranks of the druid’s followers/worshipers, provided that the character is true neutral in alignment. A recipient of this spell is charged, as are druids, with the responsibility to preserve and protect nature and the balance of forces in the world. In other respects it is similar to the clerical ceremony of the same name. Investiture is a rite that must be performed upon a character before he or she can become an Aspirant (1st-level druid). It conveys no other benefit. Initiation imbues the druid with the shape-changing and immunity to woodland charm powers that become available to the character upon attaining 7th level. This ceremony must be performed upon a druid im- mediately after he or she begins to advance upward through the 7th level of experience; if cast earlier than this, it will not work, and the druid will not have the benefit of the above-mentioned special pow- ers until receiving initiation. Usually a druid must seek out another druid of 7th or higher level to perform the rite, but in unusual cases a druid may cast it upon himself or herself. Special vows is a ceremony that operates in the same fashion as the clerical rite of the same name. It does not work upon paladins, but will function upon cavaliers of any alignment. Hallowed ground is cast by the druid on his or her permanent grove. This ceremony ensorcels the trees of the grove so that they will never be affected by disease or other natural disasters. The ground remains hallowed for as long as the druid maintains this grove as his or her per- manent base. Cast out is a form of excommunication or punishment that can be per- formed by a druid upon someone who has committed sacrilege upon the natural environment or in some other way violated the principles and standards of druidism. Its effects may be lessened at a later date by the casting of a reversed version of this ceremony, either by the same druid or another one of at least as high a level as the original caster, but the casting out can never be completely neutralized except by a Hierophant Druid of any level. A character who has been cast out exudes a powerful negative aura, causing any natural creature encountered to react nega- tively to the character. This includes all normal (non-magical) animals, monsters native to the woodlands, domesticated beasts such as horses and dogs, and all druids and their followers. Casting out is a very powerful form of punishment, and can only be per- formed by a druid who has received permission from his or her Archdruid to do so. Similarly, an Archdruid must get permission from the Great Druid, and the Great Druid from the Grand Druid. The Grand Druid does not need to obtain permission, but his or her actions may be reversed by a Hierophant Druid at any time. This ceremony is usually only used on occasions where the severity of an offense warrants such extreme punishment; a druid who asks for and is denied permission to perform it, or one who later has his or her actions offset by another druid, may be subject to punishment by higher-ranking members of the hierarchy. An intended recipient of this ceremony who is unwilling receives a saving throw versus spell, at —4, to negate its effects. The components of a ceremony spell always include mistletoe, and the rite (of any sort) must be performed in a druid grove or some other natu- ral, healthy patch of forest. Such ceremonies are normally conducted at either dawn or dusk, the times when night and day are in balance.