Stone Wyvern

Druid - SpellDetail

Fire Seeds
V, S, M
Casting Time:
1 round/seed
Saving Throw:
Area of Effect:
The spell of fire seeds creates special missiles or timed incendiaries which burn with great heat. The druid may hurl these seeds up to 4” or place them to ignite upon a command word. Acorns become fire seed missiles, while holly berries are used as the timed incendiaries. The spell creates up to four acorn fire seeds or eight holly berry fire seeds. The acorns burst upon striking their target, causing 2 to 16 hit points (2d8) of damage and igniting any combustible materials within a 1” diameter of the point of impact. Although the holly berries are too light to make effective missiles, they can be placed, or tossed up to 6’ away, to burst into flame upon a word of command. The berries ignite causing 1 to 8 hit points (d8) of damage to any creature in a 1/2" diameter burst area, and their fire ignites combustibles in the burst area. The command range for holly berry fire seeds is 4”. All fire seeds lose their power after the expiration of 1 turn per level of experience of the druid casting the spell, ie. a 13th level druid has fire seeds which will remain potent for a maximum of 13 turns after their creation. Targets of acorn fire seeds must be struck by the missile. If a saving throw is made, creatures within the burst area take only one-half damage, but creatures struck directly always take full damage. Note that no mistletoe or other material components beyond acorns or holly berries are needed for this spell.