Stone Wyvern

Cleric - SpellDetail

Wind Walk
V, S, M
Casting Time:
1 round
6 turns/level
Saving Throw:
Area of Effect:
This spell enables the cleric, and possibly one or two other persons, to alter the substance of his or her body to cloud-like vapors. A magical wind then wafts the cleric along at a speed of up to 60” per turn, or as slow as 6” per turn, as the spell caster wills. The wind walk spell lasts as long as the cleric desires, up to a maximum duration of 6 turns (one hour) per level of experience of the caster. For every 8 levels of experience the cleric has attained, up to 24, he or she is able to touch another and carry that person, or those two persons, along with the wind walk. Persons wind walking are not invisible but appear misty and are transparent. If fully clothed in white they are 80% likely to be mistaken for clouds, fog, vapors, etc. The material components of this spell are fire and holy/unholy water.