Stone Wyvern

Cleric - SpellDetail

V, S, M
Casting Time:
8 segments
Saving Throw:
Area of Effect:
In order for this spell to operate, the cleric must first construct the form of the golem to be made. The cleric must do this personally and then place a prayer spell upon the construction. All golems must be man-shaped and approximately man-sized, although they can be as small as 3’ or as large as 7’ tall. The sort of golem that can be created depends on the material used and the level of the cleric: At 9th or higher level, the cleric can create a straw golem. Construction time is 1 hour, duration thereafter is 1 hour per level. The golem has AC 40, MV 12°, HD 2 + 4, hp 20, #AT 2, D 1-2/1-2, SD immune to pierc- ing weapons, half damage from blunt weapons. Carrying capacity is 30 pounds. The golem is highly susceptible to flame (taking double normal damage). At 11th or higher level, the cleric can create a rope golem. Construction time is 3 hours, duration thereafter is 3 hours per level. The golem has AC 8, MV 9°, HD 3 + 6, hp 30, #AT 1, D 1-6 plus strangulation (6 points per round after scoring a hit until destroyed or caused to release its grip), SD immune to blunt weapons, half damage from piercing weapons. Carrying capacity is 40 pounds. At 13th or higher level, the cleric can create a leather golem. Construc- tion time is 9 hours, duration thereafter is 6 hours per level. The golem has AC 6, MV 6’, HD 4 + 8, hp 40, #AT 2, D 1-6/1-6, SD + 1 or better magic weapon to hit, half damage from blunt weapons. Carrying capac- ity is 50 pounds. At 15th or higher level, the cleric can create a wood golem. Construction time is 27 hours, duration thereafter is 12 hours per level. The golem has AC 4, MV 3°, HD 5 + 10, hp 50, #AT 1, D 3-12, SD + 1 or better magic weapon to hit, immune to blunt and piercing weapons. Carrying capacity is 60 pounds. These creations are collectively known as lesser golems to distinguish them from the golems described in the Monster Manual. Similar to their namesakes, these golems have no minds, so spells such as charm, fear, hold, sleep, and the like have no effect on them. The dweomer of the lesser golem enables it to save as if it were a cleric of the same ex- perience level as the one who created it. These golems cannot speak, but they can comprehend and carry out simple instructions involving no more than a dozen words.